12 Best Things To Do in Campbell Town, Tasmania

Are you planning to explore Campbell Town, Tasmania and want to know about the best things to do there? If so, then here we have shared more than 12 Best Things to Do in Campbell Town, Tasmania.

Campbell Town is a town located in the middle of the Midland Highway. Situated 68 kilometers (42 miles) south of Launceston and 134 kilometers (83 miles) north of Hobart, George Town had a population of about 850 as of 2023.

The town has a fascinating back story in 1811, New South Wales Governor Lachlan Macquarie named the river after his wife, Elizabeth. During his second tour of Van Diemens Land in 1821, he named the town after his wife’s maiden name.

Things To Do in Campbell Town, Tasmania

Explore The Foxhunter Return and the Book Cellar

The Foxhunter Return and the Book Cellar

Located just by the Elizabeth River, near the Red Bridge, there is an old colonial-era inn called the Foxhunters Return. The place was built by the convicts around 1833, but now it’s “The Book Cellar”.

The Book Cellar has lots of books including both old and new, and also there is a big collection of history books that tells a lot about Tasmania. It’s a cool place to visit if you have an interest in old buildings and books!

Walk Over the Red Bridge

 Red Bridge

The Red Bridge is the oldest bridge in Campbell Town, Tasmania which is laid across the Elizabeth River. It was completed back in 1838 and was made by convicts. Around 220 men used to work on it every single day and around 1.5 million bricks had been used to make this brick arch bridge. Back then it was a masterpiece of architecture and engineering.

Even after decades the bridge still stands strong and welcomes everyone who comes to visit and explore the Campbell Town.

Stroll Around Blackburn Park

Blackburn Park

Eddie Freeman, an artist from the nearby town of Ross, used a chainsaw and chisel to carve three trees near the Red Bridge. These carvings tell the story of the town’s history. One tree shows the wildlife along the river, another features Dr. Valentine observing the Transit of Venus in 1874.

The third tree honors Harold Gatty, and the sheep and wool represent the Campbell Town Show, the southern hemisphere’s longest-running show.

The last tree shows a British soldier overseeing a convict building the bridge. These sculptures are incredible considering they were made using just a chainsaw and chisel.

Tour the Convict Brick Trail

Convict Brick Trail

The Convict Brick Trail in Campbell Town was built in honor of the nearly 200,000 convicts transported to Australia over almost 100 years, starting from 1788.

It is situated along (footpath) the High St, Campbell Town, and it begins just outside the Fox Hunters Return, a historic spot near the Red Bridge. The Trail stretches to the CBD on the west and the IGA Supermarket on the east.

Mayor Kim Polley was the person who laid the first brick on August 28, 2003.

Explore the Valentine Park

Valentine Park

Valentine Park in Campbell Town is truly a hidden gem that usually most people avoid visiting. At the park’s main entrance of the park, there is a statue of Eliza and the ram. Eliza Furlong in the 1820s, walked 1,500 miles through Germany to select the best flocks of Saxony merino sheep. In 1929, her family received land near Campbell Town.

The descendants of these sheep still graze in Tasmania, and their wool is highly prized. During her trek, Eliza sewed gold coins into the hems of her skirts for safekeeping. If you look closely at her statue, you can see the golden coins glittering.

Tour The Grange

The Grange

The Grange was originally a residence of English Doctor William Valentine and was constructed back in 1847. It was designed to resemble an English Manor house, Dr. Valentine. He also played an important role in establishing the first public hospital in town and provided his services free of charge for the initial three years.

Scout Old Churches and Buildings

Old Church

Several old churches in Campbell Town have been converted into residences and can only be viewable from the outside, The Brickhill Memorial Church, constructed in 1879, is among them.

As the common meeting point of Scotland and Tasmania, the church was built in 1857 and was reopened in 2022 as a historic cafe and garden. St. Luke’s Church of England opened in 1839, is another great place to visit in Campbell Town.

Visit Harold Gatty Memorial

Harold Gatty Memorial

In a town park, there’s a memorial of Harold Gatty, who was born in Campbell Town, Tasmania. He did something amazing – he helped pilot Wiley Post’s plane, “Winnie Mae,” to complete the first trip around the world in 1931, which took around eight days to complete.

During World War II, he became a Group Captain in the R.A.A.F. and directed air transport for the Allied forces in the Pacific area. Even though US President Herbert Hoover asked him to become a US citizen, but Harold stayed true to his Tasmanian roots and declined.

Take a Look at GALLERY 81

Gallery 81 has a really cool exhibit of more than 81 paintings, and each one comes with a little story of its own. Here you can also enjoy a Tasmanian glass of wine or other drinks while checking out these paintings.

If you are lucky you can get a chance to talk to the “Luke Harvey” as he hangs out there and paints. Not to mention, they also have tasty Tasmanian cheese platters if you’re feeling snacky you can also try that.

Get Some Antique Things

Wildes Antiques is a perfect place if you want to buy an antique thing for your home. The place is located on the Midland Highway which is just an hour and a half from Hobart and 50 minutes from Launceston. It has a diverse selection of antiques and collectibles which makes it worth visiting this place.

Whether you’re interested in furniture or looking for some easy-to-carry small items, feel free to explore, are will definitely find something that matches your needs.

Final Thoughts: Things To Do in Campbell Town, Tasmania

Campbell Town, Tasmania is really a beautiful town and has many awesome places to explore. The Town may seem to be small but believe me, there are a lot of places that are totally worth visiting and exploring.

Spending a week off in Campbell Town is the best way to spend some quality time with your loved ones. So, Hurry Up, pack your bags, reach your destination Campbell Town, Tasmania, and Relax in Nature.

Have a Safe Journey!

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